quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014


What's your favorite...?
I am (not) (very) good at …
I want to be a …
What about you?
Math: engineer, archtect, economist, computer programmer
Biology: doctor, nurse, biologist, dentist
Sociology: economist, urban planner, psychologist
Physics: physicist, astronomer, researcher, scientist

            Ana Gomes e seus colegas da Sunshine High School, em San Diego, Califórnia, estão conversando sobre a escola e suas matérias preferidas. Ouça os diálogos e complete as lacunas.

PETER: What's you favorite school subject, Ana?
ANA: Well... I really don't have a favorite, I like all of them. Well... perhaps ___________. I want to be an engineer. An _______________ has to be good at ___________ so....What about you Peter?

PETER: ______________, definitely. I love ______________. I want to be a ______________, that's for sure. And you, Amanda?

AMANDA: Hmm...I'm not sure. I like ____________ studies, although I'm not very good at it. But yes, my favorite subject is ____________ studies. And you, Michael?

MICHAEL: Me? Well... I like ____________, ____________, ______________. I am going to be a _____________, you all know that. Dr. Michael Sanders, _______________. How about that? And you Kate, what's your favorite subject?

KATE: Surfing. Surfing the internet and riding the waves in the ocean. Just kidding. Well, right now my favorite subject is _______________.

ANA: I know why! What exactly is his name?

KATE: Juanito. He's so cute! Yo te amo, Juanito!

Escreva um parágrafo sobre sua matéria escolar preferida. Escreva o nome de sua cidade, onde você mora e da escola onde estuda, as matérias ou professores que mais gosta, a carreira que pretende seguir, use as perguntas abaixo como orientação e vá ajustando as respostas à sua realidade.

What's your name? - Where do you live? - Which school do you go to? - What is your favorite school subject / profession? - Do you have another one? - What do you want to be?


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